Yoshikin, manufacturer of GLOBAL knives, has found several counterfeit products being sold online. GLOBAL is a registered trademark and items sold on auction websites, such as eBay, are counterfeit despite the sellers claim that the products are authentic and legal. Replicated GLOBAL products are sold at a lower price because they are vastly inferior, incorporating cheap steel, poor manufacturing standards and blades that will not hold an edge for more than a couple of uses. GLOBAL reproductions are often offered as a collection of knives in a black knife roll or case. Recently, there have been several warnings published on this subject and now some auction dealers split these knife collections and sell them as individual items. Other reproductions may be labeled as 'GLOBAL Chef' or 'GLOBAL Professional' however they have no association with GLOBAL Knives although every effort has been made to pass the counterfeit product off as a genuine GLOBAL knife.
What is counterfeiting?
Counterfeiting is the deliberate use of a false trademark that is identical with or substantially indistinguishable from a registered trademark. Counterfeiting steals the identity of trademark owners and robs consumers of several things, including comfort, reliability and their personal safety.
Why shouldn't I buy counterfeit products
Counterfeit goods put public safety at risk. By their very nature, fake goods are poorly made and are not subject to the rigorous testing procedures that reputable manufacturers are required to carry out on their products.